Thursday, November 12, 2009

Greetings from Mother

Here is a pretty good picture of Mother, although I'm sure she'd disagree.
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Southern California in November

Here I am in Fillmore for a laid-back week with Mother. The weather is beautiful, but then the East has had warm days as well.All right's not London, but here are some photos for a flavor of another lifestyle
Not too much happens in Fillmore...

but you might catch a glimpse of a Peregine Falcon.

And there are still roses in bloom.....

And you might find a wonderful momento of your childhood in the neighbor's trash. Oscar Meyer Weinermobile!! Good thing someone came by and retrieved it or I would have been tempted to take it home.

How much would Continental charge for the extra baggage?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saatchi Museum - Old Persons Home

Now that we're home and as caught up as we'll ever be, I'm going to try adding a video to this blog. From the Saatchi Gallery here is an art work called Old Persons Home by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu. It consists of 13 lif-sized sculptures and 13 dynamoelectric wheelchairs and is rather fantastic! This is also the first video I've taken with my camera that wasn't an accident.